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IVMS- In vehicle monitoring system.

 IVMS is In vehicle monitoring system

A blackbox is fitted in the car like in plane. A key card is given to each driver in the fleet.  In the card, it has name of the driver, name of the company, mobile number and a photo. Without the card, the driver will not be able to start the engine. I feel, it's a very effective tool to control the large fleet.

The equipment records what time the driver starts the engine and what time the journey is completed. It records what you do in between as well. It records if the driver and passengers are not wearing seatbelt and many more like overspending, sudden braking, harsh acceleration, idling, not taking enough breaks. The reports can be downloaded instantly. The reports come on three colours Red, Amber and Green. So the report is called RAG report. Using the report, the drivers behaviour and attitude can be analysed and feedback or can be done counselling so that the driver can improve behaviour behind the wheels.

After the implementation of the equipment, the following benefits are recorded.

1) Motor Vehicles Crashes MVCs are reduced by 49%,

2) Using seatbelt is increased by 59%,

3) Overspeeding reduced by 60%,

4) It increased efficiency,

5) Assists in accident investigation and can find out the root cause of accidents that can be used for the future to prevent accidents.

As a driver, all the hazards should be identified and risk assessed. The driver should be fit to drive, not under the influence of drugs, medication of alcohol. The driver must have good enough rest and stay alert. Driver responsibility is to make the the vehicle is suitable and fit for the purpose.

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